Searched for "Dahlia", click here to show all the news. Gardening & Plant Care 6 ways to attract wildlife to your garden We’ve put together 6 top tips to help you attract more wildlife to your garden. Planting pollinator-friendly flowers By planting pollinator-friendly flowers, you can create a beautiful and beneficial garden Flower seeds to sow in March We’ve put together our top tips on sowing seeds and suggestions on planting the best seeds in March. 15 gardening tips for March Here are our top 15 gardening tips for March. What is a hardy plant? How can you tell a plant is hardy or not? Read this blog! 7 ways to protect your plants in winter Protect your plants this winter with these top tips. 15 garden tips for December Follow our top 15 gardening tips for December and get your garden ready for a great spring. The best flowers for autumn colour Find the best flowers for autumn colour in our guide here. 15 gardening tips for October Now’s the time to tidy up the garden and get it ready for winter while you start planning ahead for next spring. Here are our top 15 gardening tips for October. 15 garden tips for September The days might be getting shorter but there’s still plenty to enjoy in your garden, with late-flowering plants and stunning autumn foliage setting the garden aglow with colour. It’s time to harvest the veg, tidy up the beds and start thinking ahead to next spring. Here are our top 15 gardening jobs for September. 15 gardening tips for August August means holidays are here, so take some time to enjoy your garden and reap the benefits of all your hard work throughout the year. There’s still plenty to do, though, and our top gardening tips for August will help you keep your garden looking great right through summer. 15 Garden Tips for May May is a beautiful month to be out in the garden, with birds singing, bees buzzing and everything coming into bloom. Here are our top gardening tips for May to get your garden looking great for the summer. Previous 1234 Next Do you have gardening or plant questions? Ask the team