Searched for "Dahlia", click here to show all the news. Gardening & Plant Care Grow your own flower bouquets A bouquet of your own home-grown flowers makes a beautiful gift with a personal touch, and many cut flowers are easy to grow from seed. Read more about how to grow your own flower bouquets. 4 spectacular summer bulbs to plant now For fantastic flowers, you can’t beat summer bulbs! Plant them now for months of summer colour, as well as beautiful cut flowers. Find out more about four of our favourite summer bulbs. Create a cut flower garden Create a cut flower garden with these helpful tips & tricks - even if you have a small space! 15 garden tips for October There are still plenty of enjoyable tasks you can do in your garden and on your balcony in October. How to attract beneficial insects to your garden Encouraging more beneficial insects in your garden is one of the best things you can do for your garden. Find out why and how! January is the time for potted spring bulbs [10 Tips for Sensational Spring Flowers] Ten tips for planting bulbs in your garden and containers. Loose and potted bulbs. What to buy, which combinations of bulbs work well, and where to plant them. Need bulbs for a shady spot? We've got you covered. With proper planning at this time of the year, you can have a colourful display from flowering bulbs for months to come. 3 ways to decorate your home for Autumn Get into the season's spirit with these three great ways to decorate your home for autumn. 15 garden tips for September Here are our top 15 gardening tips for September. How to Sow Seeds – Grow seeds for Garden Vegetables Annuals and Perennials All you need to know about growing seeds for garden vegetables, annuals and perennials. What you need to start germinating seeds. Growing seeds in containers. Sowing in drills and borders. You are transplanting seedlings from trays and using suitable compost and tools. 6 top plants for full sun Here are six of the best plants for full sun. 15 garden tips for August There’s still plenty to do, so follow our top 15 garden tips for august to keep things looking great! 15 garden tips for July Now’s the time to really enjoy your garden, and to keep it looking great, here are our top 15 gardening tips for July. Previous 1234 Next Do you have gardening or plant questions? Ask the team