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Summer Plants

Summer plants include a massive variety of outdoor plants for those glorious Sunkist days with a Margarita, Beer or Rum and Coke in hand when outdoor flowering plants are in full bloom. Boma stocks easy-to-grow summer favourites, including Lavender, Geraniums, Lupins, Petunias, Hydrangeas, Roses, Foxgloves, and Lobelia. Just a few of the summer flowering plants to brighten up your borders and planters. You'll find a broad range of seasonal plants with vivid colours, contrasting foliage and textures.

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About Summer Plants at Boma

Boma stocks a range of seasonal bedding plants, perennials and shrubs that arrive weekly throughout spring and summer.  

The most popular summer-blooming perennial plants we stock here in Kentish town include Lavandula (Lavender), Agapanthus, Astrantia, Crocosmia 'Lucifer', Erigeron karvinskianus, Geranium 'Rozanne'Saliva nemorosa 'Caradonna', Nepeta racemosa 'Walker's Low', Rudbeckia, Hylotelephium 'Herbstfreude' (Autumn Joy), Verbena bonariensis

The must-have range of bedding plants we stock for a riot of summer colour includes all your favourites: Begonia, Geranium, Lobelia, Bizzie Lizzie, Petunia, Million Bells, Gazania, CosmosAntirrhinums and Bacopa

A range of summer flowering shrubs can be found in the shrubs A to Z at the back of the boma in Kentish town. The seasonal mix includes each year: Philadelphus, Parahebe, Hebe, Diosma and Weigela