Searched for "wildflower", click here to show all the news. Gardening & Plant Care Spring-flowering garden plants There are so many spring-flowering plants for the garden so we have picked out some of our favourites for you to ensure you have a colourful spring. 6 lawn care tips for April Here are our top tips for April lawn care. How to support wildlife in April There are many ways to support wildlife in April, so don’t forget to keep wildlife in mind with your general gardening tasks. Flower seeds to sow in March We’ve put together our top tips on sowing seeds and suggestions on planting the best seeds in March. Valentine Gift Ideas These Valentine gift ideas are the perfect gifts for gardeners on the most romantic day of the year. The best flowers for autumn colour Find the best flowers for autumn colour in our guide here. Perennials made simple guide This perennials made simple guide will help you to understand perennials and how to care for them. Create a backyard bee meadow It is easy to create a backyard bee meadow and make your garden a place where pollinators can enjoy lots of nectar in a biodiverse space. Rabbit proof plants for your garden If you have rabbits in your garden, you know what it feels like to look out in the morning and see a collection of bare nibbled stems where your plants used to be instead of beds filled with beautiful plants. Low maintenance gardening For low maintenance gardening, it is all in the planning. Sometimes life can be busy, but we still want a great garden to enjoy as well. Thankfully, there are many low-maintenance gardening options, which means you can still enjoy your outside space but with just a little less time spent on maintaining it all. 6 ways to make your back garden a wildlife habitat Your garden’s wildlife needs your help! With many insect and bird populations struggling, we need to do everything we can to support the creatures that share our gardens. Here are our top tips on creating a wildlife habitat in your back garden. Fertilising your lawn Start fertilising your lawn to get that perfect lush green grass to step onto or to have a picnic, garden party or just because you want to admire it from the kitchen window. It is a very easy gardening job to do and one that will be most satisfying when you are proud of your green, healthy lawn. If you don’t want to fertilise your lawn, we have some other ideas for you below as well. Previous 123 Next Do you have gardening or plant questions? Ask the team