Searched for "lavender", click here to show all the news. Gardening & Plant Care Spice Up Your Life with Boma's Herb Plant Starter Collection Ready to add some flavour to your life and garden? Look no further than Boma's herb starter collections. Grow your own herbs and spice up your cooking! Boma's Perennial Picks for a Stunning Spring & Summer Spring is upon us, and what better way to celebrate than by making your home stand out with Boma's top perennial picks? What to grow in the kitchen garden in containers Here are some more tips to help you grow your own food in containers. How to attract beneficial insects to your garden Encouraging more beneficial insects in your garden is one of the best things you can do for your garden. Find out why and how! How to celebrate World Animal Day 2022 Here are a few ideas on how to get involved, help the animals in your community and spread the word about World Animal Day. How to make a yoga garden Here are a few tips on how to create your own yoga garden. 10 shade-loving plants Please take a look at our top 10 plants for low light. 10 Drought Tolerant Plants that Look Superb in the Heat Discover ten plants that thrive in drought hot summers, planting in the right place, and hot tips on watering saving ideas, compost, gels and more. What to grow in a raised garden bed? Here are our suggestions for growing in a raised bed. 6 top plants for full sun Here are six of the best plants for full sun. How to get rid of cabbage worms Here's how to get rid of cabbage worms in your beloved garden, patio, balcony or roof terrace. 15 garden tips for August There’s still plenty to do, so follow our top 15 garden tips for august to keep things looking great! Previous 1234 Next Do you have gardening or plant questions? Ask the team