Searched for "Dahlia", click here to show all the news. Gardening & Plant Care Best Gardening Tips For March Kickstart your spring gardening with our top March tips and the latest Boma plant arrivals 15 gardening tips for March With signs of spring appearing everywhere you look, it’s time to get outdoors and start gardening! Get your garden into great shape for spring with our top 15 gardening tips for March. Top 15 gardening tips for January Here are our top 15 gardening tips for January. Protect plants for winter Time to protect plants for winter before it gets much colder, wetter and windier. How to protect your plants in winter Here are our top tips on how to protect your plants this winter. Make your house extra cosy with colourful houseplants We are here to provide you with tips on making the indoors extra cosy and colourful. October Urban Gardening and Houseplant Tips Discover Boma's top gardening tips for October. 7 top autumn garden care tips Here are our top 7 garden care tips for autumn. How to add autumn colour to your garden Here are a few tips on how to make your garden shine this autumn. 8 great plants for late summer colour Here are a few ideas to bring the colour back to your garden in August. Why are pollinators so important? Here’s the lowdown on why pollinators are important and how to help them. June's Jewel Box: 7 Stunning Perennials to Brighten Your Garden ... 1234 Next Do you have gardening or plant questions? Ask the team