The best autumn & winter flowering bedding plants

The best autumn & winter flowering bedding plants

September marks the end of summer bedding plants and the time to re-plan your planter arrangements, providing colour throughout autumn, winter and spring. There’s a range of autumn bedding plants to create a delightful display of colour and texture throughout the winter months.

Wallflowers & Tulips - Easy bedding plants that look great together

Creating a delicate yellow flowering display, Wallflower ‘Sugar Rush Primrose’ provides a plethora of upright flower heads in the spring. Planting them in the autumn with tulip bulbs will bless you with an eye-popping spring display.

Ideal for containers or planting in a border, this planting combo is popular with professional gardeners as it enthuses a country cottage-style appeal within an urban garden setting. Tulip ‘Calgary,’ Tulip ‘Queen of the night’ and Tulip ‘Purple Doll’ wallflowers will bloom before and after Tulips, prolonging the seasonal garden display. Wallflowers are available in a range of zesty yellows, purples, pinks and whites.


Illuminating planting schemes

Are you keen on bold-coloured planting schemes? Erysimum cheiri ‘Scarlet Bedder’ is an illuminating bright scarlet red scented wallflower that blooms for an extended period in spring. This variety can also be used in beds and containers. Plant Tulips such as Tulip Orca or Tulip Labrador for a bold display of contrasting colours throughout spring. 


Wallflower colour

Tulip to plant with Boma’s range of premixed bulbs

Wallflower - Mixed Bedder

Combi Tulip Orange/White & Narcissus Yellow/Orange

Wallflower - Gold Bedder

Blooms, Bees and Butterflies Yellow And Maroon Shades


Erysimum’ Winter Sorbet’ and Calluna vulgaris Twin Girls

To create a fabulous winter container, plant a wall flower (Erysimum) in the centre as a focal plant and plant around this with winter flowering Heather (Calluna). Plant breeding has come a long way in producing new hybrid wall flowers that bloom for extended periods. Varieties such as Winter Sorbet will flower from March until the end of summer. Deadhead throughout summer to ensure continuous blooms. Winter Sorbet is a heavily scented variety, ideal for enjoying its wonderful aroma near an entrance.


Forget-me-knots and Tulips

Myosotis sylvatica (Forget-me-knots) are a fantastic biennial plant providing a carpet of blue flowers in spring. To enhance the display, feature them with an alternating display with tulips in a garden block that will pierce a sea of blue in April and May. Stunning varieties against the sea of blue include Tulip’ Friendship’. Tulip’ Angels Wish’ or Tulip’ Antraciet’.

Calluna vulg. ‘Beauty Ladies'® trio

This variety of colours offers three different colours in the same pot. It is ideal for providing months of colour from Autumn into spring. As the young plants knit together in a container, they give the illusion of three different coloured flowers coming from the same plant. Always plant heathers in Ericaceous compost. These acid-loving plants have been bred from the original highland wild heather you see growing in the moors in Scotland and Ireland. These Heathers can also be used as ground cover in planted beds and borders.


Violas and Tulips

Plant a sea of violas from Autumn with Tulips planted in-between to create a sea of colour from winter into spring. Plant Violas in blocks of one colour with one coloured Tulip for maximum effect. The range of festive favourite violas will flower from late Autumn into spring.

See below a table of Viola varieties matched with a colour of Tulip to use

Variety of viola

Variety of Tulip

Violet Blue

Tulip Blushing Lady

Orange with Purple Wing

Tulip Daydream

White Purple Wing

Tulip Black Parrot

Sorbet Lemon Blueberry Swirl

Tulip Calgary


Tulip Shinning Parrot



Primrose and Narcissus

Primroses are adored for their brightly coloured flowers, with highly perfumed named varieties. They can be planted in Autumn and throughout the winter and spring seasons with Narcissus bulbs to create a fantastic display or bright retina-burning colour. Narcissus is available in a range of zesty citrus yellows and pure white.

Primrose colour

Narcissus varieties

White with yellow eye

Narcissus’ Angels Whisper’

Blue with yellow and white eye

Narcissus’ Sailboat’

Pastel blue with yellow eye

Narcissus’ Minnow’

Pastel pink with yellow eye

Narcissus’ Silver Chimes’

Orange with red tips

Narcissus ‘Grand Soleil D'or’


Cineraria maritima and Calocephalus brownii’ Silver Wire.’

Both Cineraria and Calocephalus are two silvered leave bedding plants valued for their use as accent plants in the garden. Both are suitable for containers or planting in the    round interest and structure. Cineraria has broad foliage, and Calocephalus has wiry intricate foliage. These two bedding plants are ideal for displays with pastel planting colour schemes.


Cyclamen hederifolium and Violas

Although technically a perennial in the garden, we often treat Cyclamen Hederifolium as a bedding plant and plant it with flowering annuals. This variety of Cyclamen has ivy-like silver foliage and delicate pink flame-like flowers. It looks stunning when planted with small flowering Violas that flower from Autumn into spring. Plant in a container with adequate drainage and grit as Cyclamen hate sitting in water. Deadhead both Violas and Cyclamen to encourage continuous blooms.


Cyclamen ‘Verano Purple’ and Leucojum aestivum

Cyclamen ‘Verano Purple’ and Leucojum can be planted in Autumn to create an elegant, beautiful spring display. Cyclamen’ Verano Purple’ will spread and create a sea of heart-shaped silvery green foliage from which small delicate purple flame flowers appear in spring. If you plant Leucojum bulbs in Autumn simultaneously, these will blossom above the height of the Cyclamen flowers in spring. Leucojum, commonly known as Snowflake, will bloom in early spring and has large nodding white flowers.


Pansies and Cyclamen’ Compact Light Pink’

If you want to create a brightly coloured container for Autumn and winter interest, plant bedding Cyclamen and giant flowered pansies together. These will flower from as early as September all the way until January. Cyclamen Compact Light Pink has large, brightly coloured pink flame flowers. Pansies are available in various colours, from Purples and Blues, Reds and Pinks to Yellows and whites.


Erica gracilis and ornamental chilles

For an unforgettable autumn planter, try mixing Ornamental Chillies and Erica gracilis. The bright coloured chilli heads and the gently pink blooms of Erica contrast and will last throughout autumn/ winter and into spring.

Boma Chilli varieties

Pots size

Capsicum annuum 'Acapulco Red'


Capsicum annuum’ Acapulco Purple.’


Capsicum annuum’ Salsa Red.’


Capsicum annuum’ Salsa Yellow.’




Tubs and basket Plants

Autumn is the time to get creative with plants for tubs and baskets. Easy, colourful, young potted plants form hardy shrubs with the proper care. Starting with 11cm pots, these shrubs will flourish throughout the winter and spring. September is the time to start, and garden centres such as Boma stock an extensive range of ready-to-plant low-cost colourful combinations for creating gorgeous displays.

These perennial shrubs are of excellent value, with plants returning yearly, including Ajuga’ Burgundy Glow’, Ajuga’ Braunherz’, Athyrium filix-femina ‘Frizelliae’, Carex’ Frosted Curls’, Carex’ Ice Dance’, Cordyline Australis, Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Goldcrest’, Euonymus’ Emerald Gaiety’, Euonymus’ Emerald and Gold’, Heuchera’ Melting Fire’, Heuchera’ Palace Purple’ and Lamium maculatum’ Beacon Silver’.


Erica darleyensis and Heuchera

Create a show-stopping display of flowers and foliage by mixing Heucheras and Ericas.

Erica darl. ‘White Perfection’

Heuchera Palace Purple

Erica darl. ‘Kramer’s Red’

Heuchera’ Melting Fire’

Erica darl. ‘Darley Dale’

Heuchera ‘Lime Marmalade’


Cyclamen and Brassica

For a funky display, try planting ornamental Brassicas with Cyclamens. The Brassicas will provide bold foliage colour that contrasts brilliantly with Cyclamen’s flame-like flowers.

Varieties of Cyclamen and brassica we have in stock:



Cyclamen Compact Light Pink

Brassica Smooth White

Cyclamen Compact Bright Pink

Brassica Smooth Purple

Cyclamen Compact Purple


Cyclamen Compact White


Cyclamen Compact Red


Cyclamen Compact Wine Red



To appreciate the full glory of colourful autumn plants, pop into Boma Garden Centre, Kentish Town, and chat with the team for creative planting ideas. Alternatively, shop online with nationwide delivery. 

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