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Miracle Gro


Miracle-Gro® is the world's leading gardening brand. For over 65 years, Miracle-Gro has been providing consumers with innovative products that make gardening success easier, more accessible and more enjoyable. In 1951, Otto Stern, a nurseryman and Horace Hagedorn, a marketer, and, took a water soluble plant food and set out to make it a gardening staple. Consumers loved the astonishing results of Miracle-Gro and soon the product became first mail-order phenomenon and then a retail success. From a $2,000 investment, the Miracle-­Gro business exceeded $100 million in 1994, before joining forces with The Scotts Company in 1995. It is now a billion dollar global brand, delighting consumers in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia.

Miracle-Gro has become the most trusted brand in gardening care. Its broad portfolio of consumer products ranges from plant food, lawn care products, and gardening compost, it range offers natural, organic ranges as well as conventional range and solutions for indoor and outdoor gardening.

Miracle-Gro was launched to the UK market in 1990 consisting of Miracle-Gro Plant Food. Promising to introduce the brand to a younger audience the brand invested heavily in TV advertising, focusing on the visible results of feeding with Miracle-Gro. The brand transformed the market with more than a million gardeners trying the product in the first year. Consistently supported with TV advertising since its launch Miracle-Gro has now become a recognised number 1 brand within the gardening market and this strength has enabled the brand to move into other categories and now offers a total solution for gardener’s growing needs.

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