Searched for "Snowdrops", click here to show all the news. Gardening & Plant Care Christmas Decorations – Handmade Christmas Decs that Dazzle What sets homes apart during the festive season is mind-boggling handmade quality Christmas decorations with delightful details. How to plant spring bulbs Here is a guide to help you how to plant your spring bulbs. Plant Bulbs In Autumn - The Perfect time for a flowering spring Autumn is the time to plan your spring garden, and September is the perfect time to plant flowering spring bulbs. Boma's chief outdoor plant horticulturist Adam Ward offers excellent tips on growing bulbs in borders, soil preparation, and ensuring your garden has a natural look. Find out about bulb colour combinations, growing bulbs in containers, and how to make a bulb lasagne. A guide to planting for year-round colour When planting for year-round colour, it’s all about planting a selection of different plants that will provide interest from texture, colour, scent and more during various months of the year. Colourful shade pot garden ideas These colourful shade pot garden ideas will brighten up a shady spot in the garden Planting pollinator-friendly flowers By planting pollinator-friendly flowers, you can create a beautiful and beneficial garden 15 gardening tips for February Here are our top 15 gardening tips for February. Valentine Gift Ideas These Valentine gift ideas are the perfect gifts for gardeners on the most romantic day of the year. 15 January gardening tips Here are our top 15 gardening tips for January. Start planting spring flowering bulbs Now it’s time to start planting spring-flowering bulbs to make sure you get that splash of colour in spring next year. Create a pet-friendly garden Creating a pet-friendly garden doesn’t mean your garden will have to be bare, patchy lawn, or even dug-up plants. If you are starting to make your garden pet friendly or already have your perfect garden and are about to introduce your new pet, these tips will help you, and your pet enjoys the garden as much as each other. 15 gardening tips for February In February, you can really sense that spring is just around the corner, with snowdrops and daffodils starting to appear and buds swelling on the trees. Please make the most of dry days with our top 15 gardening jobs for February. Previous 123 Next Do you have gardening or plant questions? Ask the team