Searched for "Ivy", click here to show all the news. Gardening & Plant Care 6 ways to attract wildlife to your garden We’ve put together 6 top tips to help you attract more wildlife to your garden. Planting pollinator-friendly flowers By planting pollinator-friendly flowers, you can create a beautiful and beneficial garden Top tips for feeding birds in winter When the weather is cold, and food is scarce, our garden birds need our help to get them through the winter. Tips for planting under trees To improve your chances of success when underplanting trees, follow these tips. Top 5 houseplants that clean the air These top 5 houseplants that clean the air are great plants to have in your home or office to help clear the air of common toxins that we are all subjected to from modern-day living. How to train your climbing houseplant Here are our top tips on how to train your climbing houseplant. Top 10 Houseplants to Replace the Christmas Tree These top 10 houseplants to replace the Christmas tree will all fill the space nicely where your Christmas tree once stood. 5 tips for a wildlife-friendly garden Start planning now for a wildlife-friendly garden next year with these top tips. How to make your own Christmas wreath This year, why not give your decorations a personal touch and make your own wreath? It’s easy to do, and the results look great! Wildlife that’s good for your garden Here are a few to look out for and some tips on encouraging wildlife in your garden. 6 ways to make your back garden a wildlife habitat Your garden’s wildlife needs your help! With many insect and bird populations struggling, we need to do everything we can to support the creatures that share our gardens. Here are our top tips on creating a wildlife habitat in your back garden. 8 ways to make a biodiverse garden We all know that biodiversity is a good thing, but what does it actually mean? Well, essentially, it’s the variety of plants and animals found in an area. A biodiverse garden can contain an astonishing number of different forms of life, from bacteria, fungi, worms and insects to small mammals, birds, and of course, plants. Previous 1234 Next Do you have gardening or plant questions? Ask the team