Living in a city or built-up area with traffic and pollution can be a concern when breathing in toxic fumes all day. You may not be coughing, but over a while, the toxins accumulate and damage your health.
That’s why an excellent way to keep the air clean is to keep air-cleaning plants that can be game changers.
When keeping many air-cleaning indoor plants at home well documented, numerous studies show that plants improve air quality, and some plants do a better job than others.
Boma Garden Centre specialises in Air-cleaning plants. Being located in Kentish Town, London, the garden centre team is particularly sensitive to the air quality and environment. The team goes out of its way to source specific plants known to clean the air and oxygenate it for healthy breathing. The garden centre’s mission is to greenify urban centres around the United Kingdom.
The garden centre team likes to think they have some of the freshest air in London.
Excellent Air Cleaning Plants
There are many types of air-cleaning plants, so whatever style you’re after, there’s bound to be a plant that takes your fancy. It’s best to get several plants to increase the effects and build a collection of purifiers for your indoor space.
Classic air purifiers include the Snake plants, Boston fern, Calathea, ZZ plant and the Peace Lily.
These are just a few of the many air-cleaning plants that Boma always stocks for customers to buy and to keep our air toxin free!
Living in a big city such as London, it’s essential to do what we can to improve air quality. NASA recommends at least one plant per 100 square feet.
Boma recommends as many plants as you can squeeze in!
Adding a few air-cleaning plants to a room can drastically reduce the number of toxins in the air, creating a cleaner, fresher environment.
Boma’s mission is to make it easy for you to instantly order Air-cleaning Plants and quickly deliver them to your door within seven days without the headache of searching for what to pick.
Six indoor plant species that will change the air you breathe

Phlebodium characteristics and plant care
• Easy care fern that can tolerate most light levels- avoid direct
• Avoid overhead watering- water from the side/ just wet soil
• Can dry between waterings, prefers being on the dryer side
• Remove old damaged fronds to make room for new ones
Syngonium characteristics and plant care
• Clump forming- can be divided
• Repot when roots outgrow the current pot
• The ideal temperature to flourish in your home:18c to 20c
• Pale foliage can be caused by excessive light
Nephrolepis characteristics and plant care
• Keep moist, don’t allow it to dry out
• Can tolerate and thrive in low light
• Grows happily in bright indirect light if moist and humid
• Loves high humidity, so mist with water or house plant mist
• Prefers cooler spots in the house
Asplenium characteristics and plant care
• Keep out of direct light and in a cool shady spot
• Keep soil moist at all times
• Provide high humidity to ensure fronds don’t dry out
• Feed in summer months for accelerated growth
Chlorophyum characteristics and plant care
• Soil can dry between watering but is best kept moist
• Keep in indirect light
• Great plant for hanging pot as long flower stalks droop over
• Feed-in summer months with a houseplant feed for healthy new growth
• Very easy care plant- make sure not to over/ underwater.
Spathiphyllum characteristics and plant care
• Keep out of direct sunlight
• Can thrive in low/indirect light
• Keep moist- they are very dramatic and wilt massively if too dry
• Dead-head the flowers to encourage reflowering
• Feed it in the summer months to encourage bloom
For more advice on air-cleaning indoor and outdoor plants, visit Boma Garden Centre in Kentish Town, London, where you’ll find thousands of Air cleaning Plants and an expert horticultural team that can show you some beautiful plant specimens for your home and garden.