Real Christmas Trees – London's Festive Passion

Real Christmas Trees – London's Festive Passion

Christmas is magical for many who delight in the UK’s favourite holiday season. If you are among the many celebrating with all the bells and whistles, you most likely have your festive reasons. Perhaps it’s a family tradition; maybe the season has innate spiritual meaning. Or perhaps you love the decorations, the pinnacle of which is the Christmas Tree. Trends have driven toward synthetic replicas that somehow lack the soul and spirit of a Real Christmas Tree.

Why are Real Christmas Trees Essential?

Real Christmas Trees from Boma Garden Centre Kentish Town London

Perhaps you sense that a real Christmas tree adorning your home is something you won’t compromise. A Real Christmas tree speaks of authenticity often lacking in our modern, artificial world. After all, there is nothing like a real Fir Tree's look, scent and feel. For this magical season, a living tree's essence at home is a wonder for children and parents, reminiscent of a messianic sacrificial reward at the end of, for many, a challenging year. 

To understand the deeper meaning of Christmas, we love so. Perhaps we need to understand its origins.

Christmas trees date back to the Egyptians and Romans, who decorated evergreen trees with candles around the time of the winter solstice. The Romans used Fir Trees to decorate their temples for the festival of Saturnalia. So celebrating with trees has been part of our shared cultural consciousness for more than a Millenium.

The UK Christmas Tree tradition mirrors many cultures. ‘Paradise Trees’ from wood, depicting the garden of Eden, were used in German religious festivals, eventually giving way to Real Christmas Trees; decorated with communion wafers, cherries, apples and even star and angel-shaped pastries.

Celebrants in Slavic countries and Poland decorated their ceilings with branches or trees to save space.

Local merchants ‘the Brotherhood of Blackheads’ placed Christmas trees in town squares in Estonia and Latvia going back to 1441, setting fire to the trees; the ‘Yule Log.’

Germans introduced Real Christmas Trees to America and Europe. Their popularity grew in time as their association with pagan rituals disappeared from memory.

Charlotte, the German-born wife of King George III, was the first noble in London to introduce decorated Christmas trees for the UK Christmas holiday.

Prince Albert, and Queen Victoria, were photographed in the British press with a decorated Christmas tree. Once the practice caught the public eye, the demand for decorated Christmas Trees went rampant.

Today the traditional Norway Spruce has been replaced by no-drop-needle trees such as Nordmann Firs and Fraser Firs; the public is losing patience with needle-less trees in season.

More about Real Christmas Trees in London 


How Christmas Celebrations Evolved

Christmas Trees in London available at Boma Garden Centre Kentish Town

Christmas celebrations are rooted in Christian, Roman and even Pagan traditions. As a winter event, bonfires and candles lit the winter solstice darkness.

Rome celebrated three holidays in December; Saturnalia, a two-week holiday honouring their Agricultural deity, and a second celebrating the birth of their sun deity Mithra, on 25th December and ‘Juvenalia’ celebration children.

In Scandinavia, the ‘Norse’ celebrated ‘Yule’ with fires from 21st December throughout January, celebrating the return of the spring sun.

As Christianity spread throughout Europe in the 4th century, the Christmas celebration of Jesus's birth combined and replaced the earlier rituals. The period marked an opportune time to celebrate Christ’s birth.

Shop for Real Christmas Trees London


How does ‘Santa’ fit in?

Santa loves Real Christmas Trees in London

The legend of Santa Clause is rooted in Christianity originating from St. Nicholas; believed to have been born in southern Turkey around 280. Persecuted for his faith, St.Nick came from a wealthy background freeing him to donate to the poor generously. Legends report St Nicholas saving three daughters from being sold to slavery.

Santa Claus also has a Dutch origin, with the death of “Sint Nikolaas” celebrated by families during the 18th century.

The original Scrooge

Dicken’s protagonist, Ebenezer Scrooge, originated with Oliver Cromwell in the 17th century. Leading religious reforms throughout his period in government as Lord Protector of the Commonwealth, in 1645, he cancelled decadent English Christmas. Cromwell forced shops to stay open and placed guards in town and city shops to confiscate any food shoppers were buying in preparation for a Christmas feast.

Christmas has evolved, but the yearning for an authentic experience lies in the hearts of a vast majority of the UK public. If you’re inclined to celebrate properly, buying Real Christmas Trees is the only way to make it happen.

Where can I buy Real Christmas Trees?

Real Christmas Trees at Boma Garden Centre Kentish Town London

Recognising the significance of Real Christmas Trees and how this delightful holiday season has evolved, you are probably asking where you can buy a genuine article and not a synthetic replicant devoid of a soul.  Garden centres like London’s Boma in Kentish Town specialise in Real Christmas Trees.

With a keen understanding of horticulture and high-quality Christmas Trees, Boma has a range of premium quality Cut Real Nordmann Firs and Fraser Firs non-needle-drop characteristics. With a growing trend in demand for Real Pot Grown Christmas Trees, Boma also stocks Nordmann Fir Pot-grown Christmas Trees you can repeatedly use yearly.

If you want to find out what, where and when you can buy Real Christmas Trees, check out the post on Real Christmas Trees in London– When, Where and What to Buy that will explain the best real Christmas trees, size options, and Cinco Christmas tree stands that are the best stand on the market.  

Are you looking forward to Real Christmas Trees this year? We are too. You can pre-order your Christmas Tree with local delivery or collection from 25th November.

 Order Now

Have a very Happy Christmas. 


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